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Estate Planning


We wake each day never thinking the worst, but there is no excuse of not being prepared. A comprehensive estate plan not only includes a Will, but also the Durable Power of Attorney, the Healthcare Surrogate/Proxy Designation and the Medical Declaration. Your consultation will be thoughtful, compassionate and considerate of your needs and ultimate desires.



Elder Law


​​Everyone has a mature loved one in need of compassionate assistance, whether to maintain a current residence or relocate to an assisted living facility. A guardianship provides court authority to act competently and in the 'best interests' possible, whatever the circumstances or level of incapacity may be.



Minor Guardianship Law


A minor child may be the beneficiary of money from a law suit, an injury settlement, or insurance. If the sum exceeds $15,000, you will need to commence a minor's guardianship to have court authority to protect the funds until adulthood. Also, if there are plans for a minor to live temporarily with another relative, the minor's guardianship provides the requisite authority to act in the absence of the parent.

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